Friday, April 25, 2014

Essential Question #10

Q:  What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

A:  We are using Flash to create short, animated movies.  The white rectangle in the middle of the screen is called the 'Stage'.  The gray part around the stage is called the 'clipboard'.  The 'Stage' is where you do all your drawing to make the movie and the 'Clipboard' is what you use to draw stuff that will be moving on to the Stage and also for storage.  And then you have all the 'Tweens'.  The Tweens being 'Classic Tween' 'Shape Tween' and 'Motion Tween'.  Tweens are very useful, they all allow you to have movement in you movie.  Now there is the 'Keyframe'.  They also help with movement in your movie.  How? By inserting a Keyframe then drawing in the Keyframe after you have drawn in the earlier frames.  But now I'm going to talk about layers. Layers are very important, they allow you to make one thing movie but not another.  Theses layers in Flash are just like the layers in Photoshop and illustrator.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Essential Question #9

Q:How did your company presentation go? What was the best part? What was the weakest part? What is the main thing you learned during this presentation?

A: I feel like our company presentation went pretty good. There were some ruff spots toward the end and the start. I would say the best part, the part I liked best would be when we walked out of the room and we were finished. The weakest part of our presentation would be the opening. The main thing I learned would be how to use the computer programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and all the other ones.

Friday, April 4, 2014

EQ 8--Reflect on the progress of your company project--3-4 sentences.

I have learned a lot about computers theses past 10 weeks. I now know how do things I would never know how to do before, like using Photoshop, Illustrator, and how to put my face on someone else.  It has been a fun and educational time and also rewarding one.